I am a textile artist. I do pen and ink and watercolour sketches, and enjoy combining tatting and other constructed textiles with dyeing, applique and machine embroidery.

My pictures and constructions are mainly figurative: landscapes, interiors or plants (or a combination). I am inspired to sketch by landscapes and architecture; my textiles are often inspired by yarns, fabrics, or dye effects, but also by plants (real or imaginary).

I became a "Friend" of the RBSA in 2003 and have regularly had textiles selected for Open and Prize exhibitions, and watercolours selected for Friends' exhibitions. In November 2011 my Night City IV jacket was Highly Commended in a RBSA Open exhibition. I exhibit throughout the Midlands as a member of the Midlands Textile Forum, and act as the Forum coordinator. I was Birmingham Regional Coordinator for the Knitting & Crochet Guild for several years, and still organise exhibition stands for them. I am librarian and exhibition coordinator for the Birmingham and district Guild of Weavers Spinners & Dyers. I regularly demonstrate for the Ring of Tatters at the NEC.

In addition to making textile jewellery and weaving shawls for competitions and for sale. I experiment with fabric prints of my watercolours as a starting point for machine embroidery (see the blog for my most recent ideas).

Since retiring in 2011, I have increased my craft output and now sell at craft fairs and Open Studios, and online via Facebook (@SarahCageTextiles) and my Etsy shop (see links page).