I've had 2 textile pictures accepted for MTF exhibitions - I entered three things for the selected exhibition in December, and the "Urban landscape" textile was accepted - I'm half way through remounting it because I got the two halves together slightly wrong when I first did it. I also did another "reflections" picture for the MTF open exhibition which is on now at Beauchamp College, Oadby, Leicester. It was going to be something to mount my tatted dragonfly earrings and necklace on - but ended up being a re-working of the watercolour "anniversary garden" - scanned in and printed out at twice the size on silk, then embroidered etc. I'm really pleased with the result!
Jon Cage | Sept. 30, 2008, 12:03 a.m. | Looking good - lets hope someone finds this fancy new commenting system _after_ I've found all the bugs :) SARAH CAGE | Oct. 3, 2008, 6:21 p.m. | I agree - I've now been asked to write something on tatting with wire so I'll have to do a bit more about my dragonfly earrings