I'm working towards three exhibitions - the Midlands Textile Forum Discoveries exhibition in the Weavers Gallery, Ledbury, 26 April-2 May, the Birmingham Weavers Spinners & Dyers annual exhibition on 9 May, and the national Weavers Spinners & Dyers exhibition (happening in September, but submission end of May). I'm organising the first two, and all the while I'm wondering if anything will happen at all - will coronavirus mean that there is no point in opening the exhibitions? Supposed to be giving a talk for the Marches Embroidery and Textile Group next week - will it happen? How many people will be prepared to come? Is it worth their money and my time? I'm just feeling very unsettled - I'm not really in the seriously at-risk age group, but I am close, and quite a few of my family are too. Do I self-isolate? Is there any point in working towards exhibitions that may not happen....