Looking at the website I realise I've been too busy to upload the most recent pictures - or even the ones from April/May. I committed myself to things for the exhibitions, in addition to doing a fairly challenging ecoprinting course over May/June/July... and then we had the exhibition in Foxlowe Arts Centre, Leek to set up. That exhibition is on until 2 October. I will be stewarding next Thursday (9 September) and again on the last afternoon. I have now added the "May" photos, but still haven't sorted out photos from the latest things which have gone to the exhibition - and I have realised that Open Studios are coming up soon... 18/19 and 25/26 September! I need to get on with sorting out the house and garden, as well as making more samples for the Open Studio... The exhibition currently at Foxlowe is going on the the Brewhouse Arts Centre in Burton-on-Trent - though it won't be quite the same. An additional artist, and not everything will necessarily fit in the Brewhouse!