I think I'm gradually recovering after 3 months of feeling under the weather - starting to think I might actually do something creative. Part of this is deadlines of course! First deadline is May 14 - WSD Guild Open Day. Competition is "make do and mend/sustainability". I have one mended shawl to enter, but also planning to make something from recycled ecoprinted fabric. Will also be taking things I've made in the last 6 months... And I've offered to demostrate "flower pounding - which is apparently the Japanese craft of hapazome. Then RBSA Friends exhibition (21 June-23 July) - deadline 10 May. I probably have a picture I could submit (last year's Christmas card?), and it is a good thing to have on my resume. Next deadline 12 May - Hall Green Arts Spring exhibition. The first exhibition for 2 years, at Moseley Exchange, for just one day - 18 May. I need to work out what pictures etc. to enter. Then MTF exhibition at Bishop's Castle. Theme "Evolve", submission date 1 June, exhibition 16 July-1 August. I have a lot of ideas, but none of them have crystallised into a piece of work... Also Festival of Quilts - deadline for submission 27 June. They exhibit anything you submit (unjuried) - but not sure if I will have done anything that could qualify as a quilt by then. Exhibition 18-21 August