I've realised that I haven't posted on the website this year - and we're half way through February. January I spent recovering - first from Covid, and then from tripping over and banging my head. I made Christmas presents for grandchildren - cushions to go round one pair of children's beds, and fleece hoodie blankets for the other two children. They all got knitted hedgehogs in sleeping bags (made from fleece leftovers). My Workhouse Memories - revisited picture was selected for the RBSA Friends exhibition (January 2024), so I had to finish sewing on the things that had only been pinned on when I sent the photo for selection. I think I have a reasonable picture of it at the exhibition (though I'm not sure it's in the final version) My next project was Aster's birthday present - sprucing up the dolls house we made for her mother in 1985. Then Emelia's - a swimming towel and another dolls house redecorated - and another illness for two weeks at the beginning of February, so they haven't been handed over yet I have at last started on a piece of weaving for the next MTF exhibition - in April/May at the Forge Mill Needle museum in Redditch