Title:Ecoprinted cap and apron - madder and logwood
Date:Jul 2021
Original Size: About 1 m high and 1 m across
Notes: Upcycled "in service" cap and apron, ecoprinted with vine leaves, ladies' mantle, Japanese maple, rowan, aquilegia, French marigold petals. Mordanted with Aluminium acetate and a light iron dip, and using logwood and madder blankets for the background colour. I wasn't very pleased with these, as I felt the colour was a bit pale, but re-dyeing didn't improve them. I don't particularly want to keep these, so they are for sale as a set
Groups: Textile garments
Exhibited At: Birmingham Guild of Weavers Spinners & Dyers Annual Exhibition and Competition 2022
Friends Meeting House Cotteridge
Midlands Textile Forum Identity
The Workhouse, Southwell, NG25 0PT
Original Artwork: Available
Price For Original Artwork: £30.0
Prints Available For: £0.0
Cards: £2.0
Postcards: £0.4