Title: | Spiderman tool belt |
Date: | Dec 2021 |
Original Size: | 26 inch waist |
Notes: | Inkle woven belt with added loops, mounted on a faux leather spiderman belt. Our grandson wanted a toolbelt with loops for carrying his hammer, minecraft sword, and other tools. This has a pouch for small soft toys as well... The belt has a thick red cotton, and fine sparkly viscose with glitter, to give the thick and thin stripes. There was also a wristband with a button, but I couldn't find that to photograph it! |
Groups: | Weaving |
Exhibited At: | Birmingham Guild of Weavers Spinners & Dyers Annual Exhibition and Competition 2022 Friends Meeting House Cotteridge |
Original Artwork: | Not available |
Prints Available For: | £0.0 |
Cards: | £0.0 |
Postcards: | £0.0 |